Oldmajorinc.blogspot presents:
RA The Rugged Man - This Ain't No Jesus Christ Rap
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
OldMajorInc returns... Louder Than A Bomb
They claim we're products from the bottom of hell
Cause the black is back and it's bound to sell
Picture us cooling out on the Fourth of July
And if you heard we were celebrating that's a worldwide lie...
Let us now celebrate with the following video:
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Special announcement for OldMajorInc.Blogspot premium members
It has come to our attention that some premium members have been experiencing some over charging issues on their most recent billing statements. Apparently, there have been reports of some premium members being charged double or even triple the normal monthly fee of $79.95 for premium access to our website.
We here at OldMajorInc.Blogspot would first like to state that our top priority is you, the consumer. We hope to rectify any billing problem as soon as possible. Rest assured, these billing issues are in no way related to OldMajorInc.Blogspot CEO Old Major's plans to purchase a new car; and rest assured, these billing issues have nothing to do with our staff's desire to upgrade the graphic cards in the office computers so that they can play Fallout 3. Just a simple honest mistake.
In order to help serve our valued customers and rectify these problems, we have set up a Customer Service Hotline. Premium members who feel they have been overcharged may dial 1 - 900 - 889 - 4537 (the charge is $1.95 for the first minute, $4.95 for each additional minute). If you aren't connected with a customer service operator right away, just hold on - we will get to you as soon as possible. Our headquarters has been quite busy lately as we have just upgraded the graphic cards on the office computers so that the staff can play Fallout 3.
We have also taken the liberty of piping in The Kinks's 1977 album "Sleepwalker" for the customers waiting on hold so feel free to enjoy that album while you're waiting.
And don't forget.....

Better your life with Old Major's "Outlaws EP"
But don't take our word for it, here's a comment from Senator Sam Brownback (R - Kan):
Listen to it clear, put the box right near your ear
Light your blunts and down your beers
Cause you could never fuck with Old Major "Outlaws EP"...
We here at OldMajorInc.Blogspot would first like to state that our top priority is you, the consumer. We hope to rectify any billing problem as soon as possible. Rest assured, these billing issues are in no way related to OldMajorInc.Blogspot CEO Old Major's plans to purchase a new car; and rest assured, these billing issues have nothing to do with our staff's desire to upgrade the graphic cards in the office computers so that they can play Fallout 3. Just a simple honest mistake.
In order to help serve our valued customers and rectify these problems, we have set up a Customer Service Hotline. Premium members who feel they have been overcharged may dial 1 - 900 - 889 - 4537 (the charge is $1.95 for the first minute, $4.95 for each additional minute). If you aren't connected with a customer service operator right away, just hold on - we will get to you as soon as possible. Our headquarters has been quite busy lately as we have just upgraded the graphic cards on the office computers so that the staff can play Fallout 3.
We have also taken the liberty of piping in The Kinks's 1977 album "Sleepwalker" for the customers waiting on hold so feel free to enjoy that album while you're waiting.
And don't forget.....

Better your life with Old Major's "Outlaws EP"
But don't take our word for it, here's a comment from Senator Sam Brownback (R - Kan):
Listen to it clear, put the box right near your ear
Light your blunts and down your beers
Cause you could never fuck with Old Major "Outlaws EP"...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Oldmajorinc.blogspot presents Ghostface - Showing These Crabs How To Rhyme part 1 (1993-2000)

1. Intro (1:01)
2. Daytona 500 (no Cappa) (2:50)
3. Criminalogy (2:42)
4. 93 Freestyle (0:50)
5. Box In Hand (promo mix) (3:16)
6. Wise Words From Ghost part 1 (0:53)
7. Mighty Healthy (2:46)
8. After The Smoke Is Clear (1:39)
9. Apollo Kids (3:43)
10. Wise Words From Ghost part 2 (1:36)
11. Careful (Click Click) (no Cappa verse) (4:10)
12. Right Back At You (1:20)
13. 260 (2:29)
14. Real Live Shit (2:29)
15. Holocaust verse (1:26)
16. 4th Chamber (3:42)
17. Stand Up (2:16)
18. Fish (2:24)
19. Wise Words From Ghost part 3 (1:45)
20. Hellz Wind Staff (4:29)
21. Shadowboxin Freestyle (1:51)
22. Wise Words From Ghost part 4 (2:13)
mixed by the staff at oldmajorinc.blogspot.com
95% Cappadonna free!
Monday, July 20, 2009
OldMajorInc.blogspot's Conspiracy Corner presents: The Assassination Of John F Kennedy

It was a dark day for America, a turning point that would leave an indelible stain upon her once noble figure. It was a moment of lost innocence - a deflowering if you will - from which she may never fully recover. Once she had been a land of dreams, of opportunities, a place where all could come together as one regardless of race, creed, or tax bracket. But all of that changed on March 18, 1961, a date that will forever live in infamy - the assassination of John F Kennedy.
The public was told that Kennedy was murdered by a lone assassin from a window high above the presidential motorcade. But this "official version" was pure fiction, a carefully constructed cover story designed to hide the identities of those who were truly responsible. We should be grateful then for the scores of brave conspiracy theorists who have been willing to devote their lives to studying every minute detail in the case, even if it meant neglecting their wives and children in the process. This exclusive feature story here on OldMajorInc.blogspot is a tribute to these valiant info warriors. Keep going everybody - the truth is out there and it's most likely to be found on someone's website or youtube video. Many have tried to fully explain the awful events on that fateful morning in the winter of 1962, but the following explanation is unique in the world of conspiracy theories.
This is the truth.
This is the truth.
In October 1959, as the last of the troops were returning home from the final battles of World War II, President Richard Nixon turned his attention to his re-election campaign the following year. Not that he had much reason to worry - Nixon has always been one of the most popular, well-respected presidents in American history, and his re-election for a third term was viewed at the time as little more than a formality. But in one of the most surprising turn of events in the history of presidential politics, Nixon announced in March 1960 that he would not run for re-election. Citing his decision to devote himself full-time to his humanitarian work with the Red Cross, Nixon humbly bowed out of the race in his inimitably classy style. His teary resignation speech before a national audience has since entered the canon of the greatest orations in the history of the spoken word, concluding with this rousing note of classic Nixonian elegance:
Richard Nixon was never heard from again.
With an newly open field, a number of candidates quickly entered the race in the hopes of capitalizing on this unprecedented opportunity, including familiar names like Barry Goldwater, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Gary Coleman. But it was a young Senator from Massachusetts who would emerge as the front runner, capturing the attention and imagination of the electorate.
John Franklin Kennedy was born to a poor family from the slums of Boston, from which he tenaciously worked his way up through the political ranks without even a modicum of financial support. His unpolished, 'salt of the earth' persona would soon strike a nerve with the blue collar component of his Republican party, deftly making up for his lack of education and relatively poor rhetorical skill with a relentless work ethic and a strong devotion to his wife and family. Though he may not have quite lived up to the impeccable standards of his predecessor, he nonetheless evinced a basic competence with the geopolitical world.
But all of that changed on December 4, 1963, a date that will forever live in infamy in American history. As his presidential motorcade drove through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, multiple shots were fired from several different directions, fatally wounding the president. The public was shocked, horrified, and utterly confused, but it was the curious events that would soon follow the moment that would prove to be infinitely more important.
Within hours of the shooting, CNN was reporting that the culprit had been apprehended. But for many, the name of the alleged 'assassin' would be more shocking than the assassination itself. Lee Harvey Oswald was the owner of a book depository in Dealey Plaza just across from the site of the shooting. By most accounts, he was a bright, well-respected family man who was known as a pillar of his community; when he wasn't working with his local church group or volunteering at a local soup kitchen, he could be found coaching his son's little league team. He was, to say the least, a rather unlikely suspect. But he would never get the chance to defend himself in a court of law. The next afternoon, as he was being transferred from the Dallas police station to the local jail, he was shot and killed by a lone assassin named Sirhan Sirhan.
In lieu of a public trial, a committee was quickly formed to "investigate" the assassination. The Warren Commission, named after Supreme Court chief justice Warren Moon, included the likes of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Shirley Chisolm. Within weeks, their published report "proved" "conclusively" that "there" was no "evidence" of "a" conspiracy. But as we shall soon see, their report was little more than a fabrication, an extension of a massive cover-up.
The first step in any investigation requires a basic understanding of the concept of numerology. Numerology is the study of the relationship between words and numbers. For example, we have the letters JFK, which when reversed gives us the letters KFJ. K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, F is the sixth, and J is the tenth. This gives us the following equation: 11 + 6 + 10. If we remember that Jesus died at age thirty-three, our equation becomes (11 + 6 + 10) * 33. Now here's where it gets really interesting: add in the numbers 7, 23, and 1962 for the date of the assassination, then perform the necessary calculations to translate those numbers back into letters using numerology. The result is the letters W, L, V, H, P, O. Remove W, V, and P and rearrange the remaining letters. The result is N, L, H, O or "Not Lee Harvey Oswald." But the Warren Commission conveniently left this important detail out of their official "investigation." What other important information was kept from the public?
We can also find another clue of the nature of a sinister conspiracy by analyzing the dark symbolism hidden on our own currency. This is actually something you can try at home: take a fifty dollar bill and rip it in half. Discard the left half and fold the right half lengthwise, then fold again. Now pull the bottom lefthand corner up slightly and turn the folded bill approximately 45 degrees counter-clockwise, then unfold and repeat the process two more times. Now turn the bill over and you should be able to find two straight lines. This gives us the number 11. Repeat the process with eight more fifty dollar bills and lay the folded bills out before you. What do we get? Nine elevens. 9/11. So clearly the conspirators behind these two tragic events are connected.
Perhaps the most important piece of evidence is the 8mm film shot by Abraham Zapruder just across the site of the shooting. Zapruder was already a well known figure in the assassination film community by this time - his previous work included critically acclaimed films of botched assassination attempts at public figures like Major Gerald Walker and the militant black nationalist Sammy Davis Jr. But the Kennedy film would be his masterpiece, rocketing him instantly to worldwide fame.
The film has since been subject to an unprecedented level of scrutiny by hundreds of photographic experts in the guise of "official investigation." Not surprisingly, their conclusions mirrored the fictional 'official version' of the events. Some conspiracy theorists have alleged that the film was altered in order support the fictitious official theory, but this is not entirely correct. Based upon recent evidence the staff at oldmajorinc.blogspot discovered from a youtube video, the film did not even have to be tampered with, as it was actually shot on a large sound stage. A number of Hollywood actors were employed for this operation, (Fun fact: the sound stage where the conspirators shot the assassination film would later be used for the alleged Apollo-11 "moon landing" hoax several years later.)
In 1991, a new chapter in the JFK conspiracy saga was born. Actor Kevin Costner, a strident critic of the official theory, announced his plans to bring the case before a jury in New Orleans. He alleged that Oswald was in fact just a patsy, an innocent victim in much larger conspiracy that included actors Tommy Lee Jones and Joe Pesci. The trial itself would come to dramatic climax with a shouting match between Costner and actor Jack Nicholson, resulting in Nicholson's bitter exhortation, "You can't handle the truth!" Although the trial was invaluable step in informing the public, the elite conspirators would exact a measure of revenge on Costner by forcing him to take part in films like "Waterworld," thereby ruining his career.
Clearly, the orders for Kennedy's assassination came from the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society that has controlled world affairs with a satanic mandate for hundreds of years. Representatives from the Illuminati most likely contacted members of Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the M-12 committee, and Greenpeace (accidentally). The orders were sent to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who then disseminated the plans to the higher echelons of the CIA and the FBI. The Russian KGB was contacted as well, if only because it was deemed the polite thing to do. Next, the five families of the New York La Cosa Nostra were contacted in order to work out the specifics of the plan. We also now know, courtesy of Costner's brave investigative work, that Tommy Lee Jones and Joe Pesci were probably contacted around this time as well. Details of the plan were then sent to Fidel Castro, who provided the mercenary marksmen teams. Dallas police and fire departments were then contacted in order to manage the key early moments of the cover up. Finally, Arnie's Deli in downtown Dallas was contacted in order to provide lunch for the whole operation. All that was left was to do was keep the whole thing a secret.
As Costner so eloquently stated during his summation at the trial of Tommy Lee Jones, the case had passed "through the looking glass," into an area where "black is white, white is black." This means that when studying the conspiracy, the more outlandish and improbable the theory, the more likely that it is true.
Now you can get involved in the fight to finally bring the conspirators to justice. For three easy payments of $89.95, you will be able to contribute to the OldMajorInc.blogspot JFK Assassination Research Fund. This money will go toward providing the OldMajorInc.blogspot staff with better facilities so that they can more comfortably pursue their investigations as well as better computers so that they will be able to play Grand Theft Auto IV during the rare moments that they will break from their studies, thereby improving the morale of the entire staff. Remember: the truth is out there and all it takes is a credit card and a PayPal account to find it.
God bless America.
Elvis Costello's Thought Of The Day
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