For centuries, scholars have studied the evocative work of 16th century poet and prophet Michel de Nostradamus. Aside from the ethereal beauty of the prose itself, his enduring work is most notable for its uncanny connections to world affairs throughout history. Even today, scholars are finding new prophetic reverberations buried within his masterwork, “Les Phropheties” (or “Les Propheties” in French).
The staff at OldMajorInc.blogspot has recently been studying some of the lesser known and heretofore uninterpreted prophecies in an effort to gleen new meanings. The resulting analysis will be released this fall in a hardcover coffee table book (available at the online store here at OldMajorInc.blogspot for three easy payments $79.95). Here are few examples of our work thus far.
Quatrain 132
And so far and wide will a sign of ocean blue
Spread her wings majestic
Moving through pillars with eyes
All wearing the mark – everything marked down
This has traditionally been one of the more opaque of the early prophecies and various theories of its actual meaning have included connections to everything from the rise of Christianity to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. However, like much of Nostradamus's work, its significance has not been fully appreciated until quite recently. The research team here at OldMajorInc.blogspot has determined that this quatrain actually refers to Wal-Mart and its rise to global prominence. Whether Nostradamus admired Wal-Mart for its savings or its many convenient locations is currently unknown.
Quatrain 206:
The guardian of the first follows a cold fire
Past the darkness of the lighted last call
Into the warmth of a shining snow
Blackened, now gold and again – forever
This one's actually pretty obvious. Nostradamus is clearly referring to former St. Louis Cardinals/ New York Mets first basemen Keith Hernandez's cocaine addiction in the early eighties. Hernandez was the most prominent name in a public scandal that erupted in 1982, implicating a number of players in a cocaine ring. This interpretation is bolstered by the fact that there are many references to the New York Mets throughout Nostradamus's work, most notably the line from quatrain 190, “Though the mooked one must stay seated,” which refers to the benching of centerfielder Mookie Wilson in 1989. This has led some scholars to propose that Nostradamus was actually a Mets fan of sorts. Additionally, the last line in this quatrain refers to Hernandez's tarnished reputation and the fallout of his messy divorce.
Son of foul blood built on black gold
Steals the throne of Babylon
Knowing not his ass from elbow
The 43rd president of the United States with the middle initial “W”
This has always been one of the most puzzling quatrains in the Nostradamus oeuvre. Quite frankly, even the staff at OldMajorInc.blogspot has not been able to discern its meaning. Any reader's suggestions should be mailed to oldmajorinc.@gmail.com. If we use your analysis, you will be entitled to a $10.00 discount on the price of the book.*
* Discount only vaild for one of the three payments, i.e. : you could pay $69.95 for the installment then $79.95 and another $79.95, or you could pay $79.95, THEN $69.95 and $79.95, and so on.